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Author Guidelines

Manuscript Format
Manuscripts should be uploaded to the system that set out in the Ecsofim Journal, standard format as follows: Title, Authors, Address and Email, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Result and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgment and References. Manuscripts typed on paper size A4, the column lines space 1.5, 11 pt. font Arial and should be given a line number. Margins at all four sides of the paper are 2 cm and a maximum of 15 pages.

Manuscript Title
The title made no more than 20 words. The title should be written clearly and concisely so as to describe the contents of the study.

The manuscript has the lead author and member of the writer by writing the name in full and there are no abbreviations (without academic degree), the address of istitutions / university and the email address of lead author.

Abstract had written with specific, objective, and clear statement. Describe by briefly and integrating research, it should be no more than 200 words without reference. It contains an introduction, objectives, methods, results, conclusions and suggestions.

Key words had written after abstract  composing with the provisions as much as 3-5 words. Keywords describe drawn abstract results or describing the research.

The author provides a briefly and clear information about the background and purpose of the research that has been carried out.

This section explains about the time and place of study, the sampling method, variables and indicators of research and data analysis. The use of research methods must be stated clearly and briefly.

Result and Discussion
Results and discussion is written in the same section that describes the results of research and discussion. All figures and tables in the text should be linked to writing and can be edited by the editors.

Conclusion and Suggestion
Conclusions drawn up clearly and describe the results and conclusions of the discussion.

Institution that provide aid or name of the person who has assisted in the completion of the study.

The references had written by starting name of author that have initial letters name A to Z. The script, written recent references have 10 (or more and 60%) of the journal in last five years. The references in this order: the author's name, year of publication, article title, title / name and number of journals, publishers and publisher town. Here's an example of literature taken from several sources.

Printed book:
Harahab, N. 2010.Penilaian Ekonomi Ekosistem Hutan Mangrove & Aplikasinya dalam Perencanaan Wilayah Pesisir. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu. Hlm 10.

Printed book with institution author:
Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan. (1983) Prospek Pengembangan Perikanan Indonesia. Jakarta: Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan.

Printed Journal:
Harahab N., A.B. Sambah, dan M. Mahm. 2011.Prediksi Kelayakan Usaha Dalam Pemanfaatan Wilayah Di Ekosistem Hutan Mangrove. Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Sosial 01 (02): 1-8.

On line journal:
Harahap, N., Riski A.L., and Agoes S. 2015. The Effect of Soil Quality on Survival Rate Of Mangrove Vegetation. Journal of Engineering And Applied Sciences 10 (7): 154-156, 2015 [Internet]. Available from:

Printed newspaper:
Pratikto, W.A. (2004) Pengelolaan Kelautan Berbasis Pengetahuan. Harian Umum Republika. 18 Maret 2004.Hlm 4.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. Authors who submit the manuscript agree that if it is accepted for publication, the copyright of the manuscript belongs to Ecsofim of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Brawijaya University. Exchange agreements copyrights and agreements ethics publication gives the publisher permission to publish the manuscript and authorizes the publisher to protect the manuscript against unauthorized and correct using by printed publications, offprints, reprints, electronic files, photocopying licensed, microform edition, translation, document delivery and secondary information sources such as abstracts, reviews, and service index, including changing the text into a form that is easy to read and store them in an electronic database. It also gives the author the right to fair use. Exchange agreements and copyright agreements for publishing ethics must be filled in accordance with signed articles and which are sent to the Editorial Office in the form of original letters or scan files (softcopy). The form can be downloaded here.
  2. File submission which is formed in Open Office files, Microsoft Word, RTF or Word Perfect document.
  3. If it is available, URL for the references had been provided.
  4. Manuscripts typed on A4-size paper, the column lines 1.5 spaced, 11 pt. font Arial and should be given a line number. Margins of four sides of the paper are with a size of 2 cm and a maximum of 15 pages.
  5. Script writing style of writing and comply with the requirements contained in the bibliography of journal writing guidelines.

Copyright Notice

The copyright of the received article shall be assigned to the journal as the publisher of the journal. The intended copyright includes the right to publish the article in various forms (including reprints). The journal maintains the publishing rights to the published articles.

Creative Commons License


Privacy Statement

Names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the purpose of the ECSOFiM and cannot be used by the destination and other parties.


Author Fees

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Submission: 0.00 (IDR)

Article Publication: 1000000.00 (IDR)
If the manuscript is accepted for online publication, the author will be asked to pay an Article Publication Fee. A statement letter related to this fee will be sent to the Author before the manuscript is processed. If the Author does not agree to pay the Publication Fee then the manuscript will not be continued to be processed.